Welcome to Takashi Kumagai's Homepage.

Preprints and a List of Publications

Articles written/ Lectures given in Japanese (in Japanese)

"Kakuritsuron" (Kyoritsu-Shuppan) no Seigohyou
(Errata of the book "Probability", in Japanese)

Old Information

Due to time limitation, I do not provide promotion/hiring/tenure evaluations for anyone
except for current or past students, post-docs or co-authors of mine regardless of the candidate's strength.


I am an Associate Editor of the following journals
I was the Editor in Chief of Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2012--2015).
I was the Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (2016--2020).

I was an Associate Editor of the following journals.

Takashi Kumagai

Mail Address:
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
E-mail: 't-kumagai' AT 'waseda.jp'